Friday, April 27, 2012

Which is a better video card?

Is a nvidia mx 4000 128mb better than a radeon 9250 128mb video card??|||OK, wait a second here...

First of all, the 9250 competed with Nvidia's GeForce 3 cards. This was released at a time when the Radeon began to pick up more steam. The 9250 was more of a budget card, but the mx 4000 was even worse. It was released almost 2 years earlier. The term "mx" was to "GT" like Celeron is to Pentium.

No doubt that the 9250 is the better card of the two. However like someone else said, don't waste any money on either. There are a lot of good modern cards available for well under $100. Check this article guide for suggestions in each price range:…|||I wouldn't trust him on that lol. I mean ya, nvidia has better stuff than radeon has, but a radeon card nowadays is better than an nvidia from 2 years ago lol. You would have to do research on both cards, and not just go by memory amount. I don't have answer lol, I don't feel like looking them up or anything, just telling you not to trust that guy.|||for cards that old, the Nvidia,


why would you want to buy a card that old? you can spend like 50.00 more and get something in the Nvidia 6000 family w/ more memory..|||They are both ok, but get what fits you motherboard.|||Nvidia blows ATI out of the water, trust me on that...|||Both are fine, each with unique features!|||i think that nvidia has better graphics|||no 9250 in this instance personally i like nvidia,*|||the nvidia if you do not play Counter Strike or any Half Life product

using the Source engine

if you don't know what i'm talking about then get the nvidia

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