Friday, April 27, 2012

Basic iMac 20" w/2.0ghz and 128mb video card for games?

I'm trying to decide between the basic iMac that comes with 2.0ghz and a 128mb card, and the more expensive one with 2.4ghz and a 256mb card. I plan to install 4gb of RAM from a third-party. Will the weaker video card be able to handle upcoming games like Starcraft 2 with full resolution and the video settings at their best?|||there is no iMac that can handle any recent game at full resolution and video settings at their best.

Blizzard has always made their games compatible with Macs, and also with low graphics cards. so it will work, just not necessarily at full graphics.

the X2400XT is a very very low end card. for both nVidia and ATi, the rule of thumb is never buy anything thats got less than a 6 in the hundreds place. the X1600 Pro used in the 2 year old iMac is better than the X2400XT.

you can See the two video cards used in the iMacs here and how they stack up against all the rest of the video cards on the market in this link:…

they are highlighted in Blue.

as you can see, they are towards the bottom, but the 2600Pro 256MB is significantly better than the 2400XT 128MB.

If you are interested in Games, i would seriously consider a PC. even if you love OS X, you could buy a Mac Mini, a PC with an 8600GTS, and a monitor all for around the same price as a 2.4ghz iMac. as you can see the 8600GTS made it about 2/3s to the top of the list.|||If you have the money, go with the better one. I've got the Radeon X1600 on a two year old iMac (128 MB) and the few games I run are fine but I am not a serious gamer.|||Don't expect stellar gaming from any Mac. The best video cards you can run in them are mid-range. No Mac drivers for the big cards. If you want anything close to decent gaming get the biggest video card option the Mac you're buying has.

You're not going to run the big games at the highest resolutions and with all the eye candy maxed out on a Mac. That's why the Mac guy on the commercials nevers brags about playing games on his Mac. Macs are great for some applications but gaming isn't one of them

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