Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can a 128mb video card produce an HD quality image on an average screen?

yes any vga monitor that can have a higher resolution than the original standard of television resolution would be hidef. at 640 480 , the 480 being the lines vertically. now most monitors were svga that could do this which became the standard. so even if the vertical lines are only increased to say 520 it would be considered HD, now in the tv world the first ones that did that were categorized as enhanced definition. nevertheless they were HD.

and as for the video card the best thing to do is to identify what video card you have and research it. you can do this all well as determine if it can do as high of a resolution as say 1080 then you just did to right click on the desktop then choose properties then choose settings. this will give you the capabilities of the video card and what resolution it can handle. and click advanced the adaptor to see what card you have.

of course for best results you should keep the drivers up to date

and just so you know the computer monitor is what gave us HD technology which was adapted to television standards. the ntsc standard we use originally was 525 scanlines but we only had 486 that were visible hence the 480 standard|||it depends, is the 128mb dedicated to the card or shared? dedicated is much better

also whats the size and resolution of the screen?|||if the 128 card your talking about got onboard memory (not shared memory) and if its a medium end or a high end graphics card by a well known company yes it can .|||All modern monitors are HD!

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