Friday, May 4, 2012

When a game specification ask for 128mb video card, what does that mean?

does that mean 128 of memory type? or 128 of memory interface? sorry for the noob question..

(' ' ,)|||Noob or not you asked it short, sweet and concise. We like that.

The number does refer to the the minimum amount of ram needed on the vid card to run the game.

Kinda related, some manufacturers will get kinda shady on the specs. Specifically, vid cards can have the ability to borrow some of the system to augment what it has. The shadiness I'm referring to is when the manufacturer uses a larger typeface, on the advertising and packaging, for the maximum amount of memory amount the card can BORROW, not what it has by itself, without the borrowing. Obviously, if your system ram is being borrowed like this, it will not work to it's full potential. The drag may or may not be noticeable, but it will keep your computer from running at its best.

Last thing. Game specifications are suggestions. You could go lower than their recommendations. You will also see why they put the bar where the did. So if you are a little shy on the specs, you'll probably be okay. OTOH, if your computer is only half as powerful, as the minimum required, go watch paint dry as that will happen at a much qwicker rate then the game will run.

Qwik qwestion, not so qwik answer. Hope that helps, ave|||As in there being 128mb of memory on the graphics card that will be used purely for graphics processing.|||Its asking for a video card that has 128mb of dedicated memory on it. Memory type doesn't apply|||It means your graphics card needs at least 128 megabytes of memory on it. To check and see for yourself how much memory your graphics card has, click on start, then click on run. Type in "dxdiag" and press enter. When a window pops up, press yes. Click on the "Display" tab on top, and where it says "aprrox. total memory", this is where it tells you how much memory your video card has.

Good luck!

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